
Catholic Engaged Encounter is a wonderful gift to give your fiancé and yourself or an engaged couple you know. Through the years most of the couples that attended our weekends left having had the experience of a lifetime. Take a few moment to enjoy some of the wonderful comments they share with us about our weekends.

We learned to appreciate the Sacrament of Matrimony.
Past couple
We discussed many topics: communication, the rules for arguing, finances, becoming a family, intimacy, the Sacrament of Matrimony. I really enjoyed learning more about my fiancé, about our love and how we each see our future together. I think it really helped to talk without distraction for the entire weekend.
Past couple
We became closer not only to each other, but to God and the Church.
Past couple
We've grown to love each other more, yet when we arrived on Friday evening, we didn't think that it would be possible.
Past couple
Thank you so much for facilitating Engaged Encounter! Although we are not Catholic, we got a LOT out of the experience and had a wonderful weekend. Thank you again!
Past couple
Overall, we had a great time. It was refreshing to be with couples about to get married and also be with real life wedded couples who have gone through difficult times and succeeded with God's loving guidance. Leaving the retreat house, I am more convinced and excited to walk down the aisle with a purpose to be life-giving, and promise to stick together through thick and thin with God in the center of our lives.
Past couple
The Engaged Couples Encounter gave us something to build on.
Past couple
After the retreat, we realized how thankful we are for taking the retreat. It dawned on us the importance of preparing for the marriage more than our meticulous groundwork for a ONE DAY WEDDING celebration. We got so caught up in making our wedding day so perfect when it will only be a day compared to a lifetime long journey as husband and wife. We were again reminded that a God centered relationship will be blessed with insights that are guided by God and also the importance of keeping our marital vows to each other.
Past couple
We learned one thing - no matter what happens, we are going to talk about it.
Past couple
This is one of the greatest weekends we've ever had because we heard about marriage in such a positive way.
Past couple
We left the weekend overflowing with an excitement about our new relationship.
Past couple
Engaged Encounter was an awesome investment. Possibly the best money we've ever spent.
Past couple
An opportunity to think about our future together, to dialogue about our relationship and the changes associated with becoming married. Very cool experience. Fun to be around a bunch of other young couples in love – though the focus of the dialoging was very much on an individual level – and cool to have a structure within which to approach issues that might not otherwise come up. Lots of food for thought, and more discussion to come.
Past couple
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